Monday, August 24, 2009

Whats in a name?

Have you ever looked at someone, or had a conversation with a stranger and thought about what their name is? Yes, that chick with the frizzed out almost bleach blonde hair, whose roots haven't seen a box of dye in at least 3+ months. She's got the shortest ratty jeanskirt, a barelythere tube top, boots up to her knees(it's Aug, people!) and is blowing bubbles with her purple Hubba Bubba. My question...what do you think her name is? I'm guessing it isn't Evelyn, or Diana, or even something simple like Susan. If it is I bet she goes by a abbreviated version, or one that has a "ee" on the end. Lynnee, "D" or Suzee. I'm guessing it's something different... "Trixi," or "Tammi" or "Brandi"(thats with an i not a y).
What about that guy...the big burly one whose a big bald dude wearing a plaid shirt, jeans and work boots and is eating the worlds largest cheesburger with the juice running down his arms. I think of him as "Earl" or "Mike" sticking with the simple, one syllable name...
Theres nothing wrong with taking a guess is there?
I wonder what people peg me as? The problem is that I don't have a simple name. Not one that anyone has ever heard of that is. If they have heard of it, turns out they know someone that knows me. I once got a link to the census bureau where you could plug in your name and see how many US citizens you shared a name with. So I try it out....Hmmmmmm....survey says? Zip. Apparently no one else has crazy parents that throw a wrench into their naming techniques after the first two normal names are used. My sister is Kelley, brother Jonathan.....then me, Enderli. Yep, Enderli...sounds like Tenderly without the T and an i instead of a y. I actually like it, I'm not complaining or anything. I'm unique!
So the problem now for me, if you can call it a problem...more like a circumstance actually, is that the reverse happens. When people see my name I get assigned a face. Is this a male or a female? What hue is their skin? Do they speak English? etc etc. Ok, I understand. I think the funniest thing is I once went into an interview, was hired and then later down the road of my employment found out that when they saw my resume they thought I was an Eastern Indian Male. I am a caucasian female, without a foreign accent!
So life continues through the path of having an unordinary name.
"Hi, I'd like to order a pizza"
"your name?"
"No, Enderli"
"No, Enderli"
"Andy Lee?"
"NO, Tenderly"
"WHAT? Now I'm really confused...can u spell that?"
"Sure, K- R-I-S"